It Could Always Be Worse

It Could Always Be Worse

During a gorgeous hot summer night, I was out walking with a couple of girlfriends.  While walking the girls started to vent! To vent means to get the steam out. To discuss everything that is causing psychological, emotional, or physical distress. In some cases, venting may cause your arms to swing, feet to stomp, voices to yell, and hair to be pulled.  Actually, it may look like a visual display of madness.

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Published on July 16, 2018
Published on July 21, 2016

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Suzanne is an Author / Writer / Columnist / Educator. She is the author of the children's picture book, The Black Velvet Jacket. Suzanne is a creative writing instructor at Concordia University in the Centre For Continuing Education and at Le Centre Cummings. Her column Living in the Now can be found in The Suburban Newspaper,