The Hat Advocate

The Hat Advocate

The minute there is a cool breeze, my hat is on. It might start in mid-October and stay on until Mid-May. Even cool nights in the summer are a great time to wear a hat. Overtime I’ve become a Hat Advocate! During the Fall and Winter, even the early Spring I insisted my children wear a hat. Maybe I sound like my mother, yelling at them when they leave our home? Although my children will describe me more as a Hat Maniac now!

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Published on January 17, 2021

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Suzanne is an Author / Writer / Columnist / Educator. She is the author of the children's picture book, The Black Velvet Jacket. Suzanne is a creative writing instructor at Concordia University in the Centre For Continuing Education and at Le Centre Cummings. Her column Living in the Now can be found in The Suburban Newspaper,