Everyone Needs an Ellen

Everyone Needs an Ellen

You know the kind of friend I am talking about. The friend who listens with intent to everything you say. You know she’s not looking at her phone when you are talking to her. She’s simply listening to every word. The friend who doesn’t judge you in anyway. You can rant and rave, complain and curse and lose your mind completely screaming about everything. Still, this friend remains quiet and agrees regardless of their personal perspective. The neutral gear in your cog.

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Published on March 21, 2021

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Suzanne is an Author / Writer / Columnist / Educator. She is the author of the children's picture book, The Black Velvet Jacket. Suzanne is a creative writing instructor at Concordia University in the Centre For Continuing Education and at Le Centre Cummings. Her column Living in the Now can be found in The Suburban Newspaper, www.thesuburban.com.