Back to Schooooolllllllaaa

Back to Schooooolllllllaaa

Now, I have butterflies of excitement in my stomach. I love this time of year. So many things will happen in the following days which gets me giddy. Firstly, the nights start to get cooler. That’s my number one thrill as I’m not a summer person. I’m sure many people are rolling their eyes at that statement. I love cool weather and enjoy wearing a light scarf around my neck. So my season of autumn is upon us.

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Published on September 7, 2021
Published on August 27, 2018
Published on August 27, 2017

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Suzanne is an Author / Writer / Columnist / Educator. She is the author of the children's picture book, The Black Velvet Jacket. Suzanne is a creative writing instructor at Concordia University in the Centre For Continuing Education and at Le Centre Cummings. Her column Living in the Now can be found in The Suburban Newspaper,