Journaling & Wellness Workshop – October 17th, 2023

Journaling & Wellness Workshop – October 17th, 2023
Did you know, Journaling has amazing meditative and soulful health benefits?
Do you want to get started writing in a journal, but you don’t know how?
Do you need someone to guide you on your journaling journey?
If you answered yes, sign up for…
The Journaling & Wellness Workshop on Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 – 7-9 pm.
Enjoy a beautiful, soothing 2 hour workshop which teaches:
1. What is journaling?
2. The health & wellness benefits of journaling
3. A personal self-discovery journey
4. Documenting your history
5. Let’s set-up your journal – the participants will need to have a new journal present
6. Writing & spiritual time with a writer’s meditation
7. Sharing the experience
For more information or to register, click here.