
A Divine Intervention

A Divine Intervention

I’m standing next to a tall, beautiful nun in a gorgeous royal blue habit.  She is selling 2025 calendars from her parish, L’Ordre du Magnificat de la Mère de Dieu.  Each calendar is $10. The owners of the shop bought a calendar and gave an extra $5 donation for a candle.  As she walked out the door, the wind lifted her habit in a cape like way, as though she was a superhero. I was transfixed and felt as though I was in the presence of God or a divine spirit.

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Published on December 1, 2024

Deliciously Oblivious

Deliciously Oblivious
It happens all the time and I’m completely unaware of it. I’m sitting, writing in my journal and it gently comes over me. I don’t even know how long it went on for. However I do know, I went into a meditative state and I feel more relaxed than when I started.
It’s not daydreaming. It’s more intense than that. I would title it a “Writer’s Meditation”.
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Published on January 15, 2023

Coloured Cauliflower

Coloured Cauliflower
One of our yearly autumn outings is to find COLOURED CAULIFLOWER.
You might be wondering if we are looking for a specific vegetable. Nope! Are we looking for a flower? Nope! We are in search of a spectacular and particular display of fall foliage.
Many conditions need to be in place for this to happen. Firstly, the leaves need to be at the height of their foliage coloration. The sun must be shining brightly with hardly any fallen leaves on the ground. It might take a few road trips, but we are hoping to capture it.
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Published on October 3, 2022

A Spiritual Oasis

A Spiritual Oasis

Cheers was an amazing American sitcom that was on television from 1982 to 1993. The show was about a bar, called Cheers, where a group of locals met to drink and hang out. It was the kind of bar where, “Everybody knows your name.”

There are wonder places like this in every city and town. There are also unique places and spaces which hold a “beautiful spirit”. Places that go beyond knowing your name. More like places which clearly understand your soul and being.  Here are some of my favourite spaces and places which I LOVE!

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Published on June 29, 2022
Published on October 3, 2016
Published on December 9, 2015
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Published on May 14, 2021
Published on May 29, 2017
Published on April 9, 2016

See Beyond the Sight

See Beyond the Sight

At the end of one of my creative writing workshops, a student got up from her chair, stretched and said, “Ahhhhhh! That felt like I was meditating!” Her comment took me by surprise!
Students say many things to me after a class or workshop. Mostly, they ask questions about the course materials and content. This was the first time a student compared a creative writing workshop to meditating.
I thought, I must have bored the student so much they went off into a meditative state.
In this regard, I suppose my class was terribly boring and drastically needing some excitement. I felt very concerned…

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Published on August 6, 2020
Published on September 27, 2018
Published on October 8, 2017

Dear Diary, I’m Crushing Over…

Dear Diary, I’m Crushing Over…

At first, my diary was a place to put all my confusing adolescent thoughts. Where else was I able to say, “I’m a freak! I’m so in love with Lee Majors, Fonzie and Elvis all at the same time.” Or, “I don’t know why my left boob is bigger than my right boob.” Or, “My F+*#kin English teacher, she’s such a…”

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Published on February 19, 2018
Published on February 22, 2017
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Published on February 5, 2018
Published on February 5, 2017

I’ve Yet to Love Him, But I Do

I’ve Yet to Love Him, But I Do

I ask myself this question, how does this person finish our…sandwiches?
It’s nothing you can try to understand; it just is. Where did we meet? How did I know this person before? How does s/he understand what I’m about to say? Why is there so much connection without any connectivity? Is this a soul I’ve known before? It’s got to be more than what it is. But….there’s no known history.

Suzanne's article on The Suburban Magazine May 29th 2015
I’ve Yet to Love Him, But I Do
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Published on May 22, 2017
Published on May 29, 2015
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Published on February 28, 2017
Published on January 18, 2017
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Published on December 26, 2016
Published on January 19, 2016