
The Ultimate Lesson

The Ultimate Lesson
The Fall Courses are about to begin and I have butterflies in my stomach!
In truth, if all we have gained is not from the curriculum content but a new friendship or two, I feel we have been successful. For it’s not always the prescribed lessons you’ve sign up for, perhaps it’s the rich exchanges and life perspectives you have learned. That in turn is…the ultimate lesson.
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Published on September 14, 2022
Published on December 11, 2017
Published on November 22, 2016
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Published on July 3, 2022

A Spiritual Oasis

A Spiritual Oasis

Cheers was an amazing American sitcom that was on television from 1982 to 1993. The show was about a bar, called Cheers, where a group of locals met to drink and hang out. It was the kind of bar where, “Everybody knows your name.”

There are wonder places like this in every city and town. There are also unique places and spaces which hold a “beautiful spirit”. Places that go beyond knowing your name. More like places which clearly understand your soul and being.  Here are some of my favourite spaces and places which I LOVE!

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Published on June 29, 2022
Published on October 3, 2016
Published on December 9, 2015
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Published on March 18, 2022
Published on March 7, 2021

Focused and Centred

Focused and Centred
As a young girl, I danced classical ballet. I loved everything about ballet. I loved the discipline, the music, the control of my body, and especially the performances.
However, as I got older, my ballet teachers demanded more focus and control from me and stressed to be centered. In my mind, I wanted to be a teacher. In my heart, I wanted to be a ballet dancer. In my best friend’s car, I wanted a Mama Burger at A&W with fries and a root beer.  So… In High School, I slowed down my ballet dancing to the point of no return.
But, the best part of ballet was the training to be Focused and Centred.
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Published on March 6, 2022
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Published on November 5, 2021
Published on October 2, 2017
Published on August 31, 2016

Life as a Bicycle

Life as a Bicycle

It was the summer of 1973 when I attached a small radio to the handlebars of my green banana seat bike. Not only did I have freedom of mobility, I also had easy access to, GREAT music.
Not much mattered to me at that time. I was free and able to ride my bike and listen to new, fabulous music. I wasn’t far from my home when I heard Steely Dan’s Reelin’ in the Years. For me, that was the song of the summer. I heard it and I had to stop riding to listen.

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Published on October 24, 2021

Ah… Appreciation

Ah… Appreciation

When I go to the opera with my mother, sometimes there is a PAUSE in the performance. This is not an intermission to leave your seat and get a drink or use the washroom. This is simply a pause in the performance. When the pause is announced, my mother looks at me with a wink in her eye and says, “Now we pause, so relax and enjoy this moment.” I giggle a bit. The Pause in the performance usually lasts about 5 minutes, and then the show continues.
I thoroughly enjoy the 5 minute pause, as it gives me a moment to just relax and observe.

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Published on September 25, 2021
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Published on September 19, 2021

Creativity Takes Time

Creativity Takes Time

Ms. MacDonald understood the creativity process. She was the first teacher to embrace my day dreaming as a method for gathering creativity. I didn’t disturb the classroom; I just watched the world move while we sat still. I was honing my creativity skills. Since that day in Grade 7, I have always used the window as a means to foster creative ideas.

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Published on August 29, 2021

Done or Undone? That’s the Question

Done or Undone? That’s the Question

When I reached to use some toilet paper, I noticed there was only 1 square left on the roll. That’s right…one square of toilet paper!!! What’s that all about? Who would do such a thing? I felt like I was in a trap. Someone before me set the “One Square Left on the Roll Trap!“ Being the fact this washroom was well stocked with extra toilet paper rolls, I gladly changed it for my use and for the next person. Why wouldn’t I? I would never set a trap like this, unless it was specifically a joke.

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Published on May 28, 2021
Published on June 20, 2016
Published on July 31, 2015

Timing is Everything

Timing is Everything
Sometimes people enter your world when you didn’t realize they were so needed.
You might ask yourself, why now, why not before. How is this timing so perfect or imperfect?
Usually in time, the revelation of this ‘why and how’ will be answered.
A minute here, a moment there can make such a big difference.
Place of time and time of place usually has a reason.
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Published on April 30, 2021
Published on January 14, 2019
Published on December 31, 2017
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Published on April 12, 2021
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Published on March 19, 2021
Published on October 8, 2018
Published on October 15, 2015
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Published on April 30, 2018
Published on April 30, 2017

Nature Knows

Nature Knows

Over many years, nature lessons have been passed down to me. The angle of the sun, the birds, animal behavior, trees and plant changes are much better predictors of seasons than the calendar.
The calendar states that on Saturday, March 20th, 2021 spring will begin. That is the official date. However, spring has already begun for me on February 4th, 2021. The birds told me so. I also went to check the buds on my Magnolia tree. The buds are swelling, another indicator spring has arrived. Next confirmation, no matter how cold it is outside, the sun is melting snow on my roof – done! Spring has sprung!

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Published on February 21, 2021

Pet Peeves – Ya Got Any?

Pet Peeves – Ya Got Any?

Text: One of my crazy pet peeves is dirty winter boots. I know this seems completely ridiculous and no need to get all upset about it, but it really bugs me! During the winter in Canada outdoor boots get covered in sand, salt, slush, dirt, snow, rain, and mud. What bothers me is when someone is dressed really nicely, but their winter boots are covered in salt stains, dirt, sand, slush, and more dirt. It simply takes an occasional wipe with a wet towel to clean winter boots. It just bugs me! I clean my winter boots all the time, because I find it unsightly and that’s a pet peeve of mine. Silly, eh?

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Published on January 15, 2021
Published on February 17, 2020

The Hat Advocate

The Hat Advocate

The minute there is a cool breeze, my hat is on. It might start in mid-October and stay on until Mid-May. Even cool nights in the summer are a great time to wear a hat. Overtime I’ve become a Hat Advocate! During the Fall and Winter, even the early Spring I insisted my children wear a hat. Maybe I sound like my mother, yelling at them when they leave our home? Although my children will describe me more as a Hat Maniac now!

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Published on January 17, 2021

Really!!! What’s wrong with complaining?

Really!!! What’s wrong with complaining?

Ok, ok, no one wants to listen to someone who constantly complains about everything.
You’ve got to pick and choose what needs to be complained about.
But, not complaining at all? Means you might just be too complacent?
Imagine if women never complained about inequality? Imagine if teachers never complained about low pay wages? Imagine if doctors did not complain about the lack of safety materials? Imagine a world without complaining, not much would get done.

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Published on October 4, 2020

X-Tra Special! Read all about it! Will you miss news in print?

X-Tra Special! Read all about it! Will you miss news in print?

So, I’m going on a trip with my girlfriend. In my knapsack is a book, some magazines, my journal and personal agenda. ALL PAPER PRODUCTS!!! My friend laughs at me. “Sue, you’re so stubborn! Why are you carrying all that stuff? Really, all you need is this.” She pulls out her laptop and cell phone. My friend explains how she can get all the same information and more from either her cell phone or laptop. AND… She adds, “Writing in a paper journal is simply a waste of time, when it can’t be saved or shared in anyway, unless it’s physically borrowed. Really Sue, get with the program!”

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Published on July 21, 2019
Published on August 30, 2020