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Published on February 4, 2025
Published on February 11, 2019
Published on February 13, 2018



There’s something beautiful about the cultivation of friendships.  Years and years of being someone’s friend might compound into an everlasting bond. But is there a point in a friendship when it becomes more than a simple friendship?  When a stronger bond of love rises, however, without a lover’s romance?  I think I have reached that point in some of my friendships.  When I can no longer refer to a friend as simply ‘a friend,’ instead we are in a ‘Lovesship’.

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Published on January 27, 2025
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Published on October 27, 2024

Give an Egg, Sell an Egg

Give an Egg, Sell an Egg

At dinner that night, my father asked us what we were going to do to give back to the world. He stated that today was filled with blessings. So, what was our plan to give back? I wasn’t sure. I told him I was going to think about it. A few days passed and I thought about a way to give back. It was called, “Give an egg. Sell an egg.” I heard of kids doing this so I thought I would give it a try. This is how it works…

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Published on December 31, 2018
Published on December 17, 2017
Published on October 9, 2024

You’re ‘Greatful’

You’re ‘Greatful’

You are amazing! You are wonderful! You are superb! You are full of greatness, therefore you are “GREATFUL”. Greatful, meaning you are full of absolute greatness. “But that’s not a word Sue.” Maybe greatful is not considered a correct word in the English language, but what’s actually correct anyways? Not a big deal today.

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Published on June 2, 2024

The Power of Grassroots Fundraising

The Power of Grassroots Fundraising

It started 43 years ago, in 1981. I think I was 17 or 18 and I had a little crush on Jimmy Garfinkle’s brother David (brothers who live with type 1 diabetes and are members of JDRF’s Montreal-based founding families).  So when Jimmy asked me to do the Bike-a-Thon, one of the first JDRF fundraising events, I obliged. I took a few girlfriends with me, and we were all eager to help and support the type 1 diabetes T1D community.

Article by JDRF Canada

Happy 10th Anniversary! Please Sit at Our Table

Happy 10th Anniversary!  Please Sit at Our Table
In 2014, I submitted this article to The Suburban Newspaper, specifically to Anthony Bonaparte, the Features Editor, Web Editor and Editorial Cartoonist.  Luckily for me, he liked it.  I submitted a few more articles and again, he liked them.  These articles started my column, “Living in the Now”.   Hundreds of articles later, I’m thrilled to reach my 10th Anniversary with The Suburban and this fabulous team of excellent writers.
With love and thanks to The Suburban team and to all my wonderful readers, Sue xo
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Published on February 14, 2024
Published on November 2, 2015
Published on February 14, 2014

Schmatta Cake

Schmatta Cake

The word schmatta (rag) can also translate to something or someone being worn out. Such as in this example: “After cleaning out the garage for hours, she was feeling like a schmatta.” Another example: “His clothing was so worn and torn, he looked like a schmatta.”  But what is a schmatta cake and why is it so good? The best way I can describe a schmatta cake is in its simplicity.

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Published on January 21, 2024
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Published on January 7, 2024

Pass the Hat

Pass the Hat

It all started with a hat. A soft, slightly woolly hat.  “Ladies, I’m going to pass this hat around. Please put in anything you want. Maybe $5 or $10 or even $20.”  On that Christmas Party night, we collected $125.00. Following that evening, the WHHS Gals donated the funds to The Gazette Christmas Fund. Collectively, we felt wonderful about making a difference.

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Published on December 3, 2023

Recipe of Life

Recipe of Life

Truth be told, I don’t follow a recipe very well. Perhaps it’s my need to improvise all the time? Maybe it’s the methodical time involved in carefully following the steps? Maybe I just can’t “FOLD IN THE CHEESE?” Although, this week my son said, “Ma! You made a fantastic, the best ever Mac N’Cheese.” So, perhaps I do know how to “Fold in the Cheese?”

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Published on November 23, 2023
Published on January 24, 2021
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Published on November 7, 2023
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Published on October 23, 2023

Instinctively Spring – And lessons in reading the world

Instinctively Spring – And lessons in reading the world
Forget the calendar. Seriously, it gives you a false sense of seasonal security. The calendar is an excellent tool for organizing your time, days, events, and years. However, I find it’s not an accurate tool for understanding the changing seasons.
The calendar states this year of 2023, in the northern hemisphere, spring will start on March 20 and end on June 21. In my world, spring begins in February. At this time, I can clearly state, on February 6, 2023, spring began in Montreal, Canada. Remember, this is in my world.
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Published on February 12, 2023

Waa Think I Love You

Waa Think I Love You
 A Love Story for Valentine’s Day
Waaa Think I Love You

Yes, that was me, the David Cassidy singing gal skiing up and down tracks 2 and 6 with a smile on my face. But, I wasn’t alone. I was with so many other skiing enthusiasts, smiling and enjoying the gift of pristine fresh winter snow in February. It doesn’t get better than this. This is pure love!

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Published on February 10, 2023
Published on February 18, 2019

To Menou with Love – A Love Story

To Menou with Love – A Love Story
One day, I got off the summer day-camp bus and found a Tabby cat gingerly walking around my lawn. I signaled to it and it suddenly came to me.  I named her Menou.  Although my mother didn’t like cats and told me not to feed her, I did.
Each day, I would jump off the afternoon bus and quickly run to give her tuna, water and lots of cuddles. This went on for weeks during the summer of 1971. On a very hot day, I got off the bus and I couldn’t find Menou. Surprisingly, she was on a blanket at my front door.  My mother told me she was in labor and was about to give birth! My 9 year old life suddenly changed.
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Published on December 18, 2022

A Beautiful Difference

A Beautiful Difference
Many, many, many moons ago, I went to West Hill High School. My years were 1976 to 1980. The school was not a good fit for me. It was way too big. And…
The halls had a horrible sweaty human, bio-clinical iodine odor to it. I think the pool water was used to wash the halls. The only thing which kept me going back each day, were my friends. Actually, there was an excellent geography and art teacher, who inspired me.
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Published on December 27, 2022

My Kind of Sexy

My Kind of Sexy

As a tween, an almost adolescent, I didn’t really understand what sexy was. All I knew was that Elvis Presley made me feel differently. For some reason, I wanted to kiss him and my eyes were glued to his body when he performed. Once I fully understood what sexy was, Elvis was gone, never to return. Left to seek out other sexy avenues I stumbled upon, David Cassidy, John Travolta, Tony Defranco, Davy Jones, and the super cute guy down my street.

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Published on October 16, 2022

Coloured Cauliflower

Coloured Cauliflower
One of our yearly autumn outings is to find COLOURED CAULIFLOWER.
You might be wondering if we are looking for a specific vegetable. Nope! Are we looking for a flower? Nope! We are in search of a spectacular and particular display of fall foliage.
Many conditions need to be in place for this to happen. Firstly, the leaves need to be at the height of their foliage coloration. The sun must be shining brightly with hardly any fallen leaves on the ground. It might take a few road trips, but we are hoping to capture it.
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Published on October 3, 2022
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Published on September 18, 2022