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Published on July 14, 2024

Deliciously Oblivious

Deliciously Oblivious
It happens all the time and I’m completely unaware of it. I’m sitting, writing in my journal and it gently comes over me. I don’t even know how long it went on for. However I do know, I went into a meditative state and I feel more relaxed than when I started.
It’s not daydreaming. It’s more intense than that. I would title it a “Writer’s Meditation”.
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Published on January 15, 2023



This week a momentous event is going to happen in my life. It has been in the making since I was 14 years old. It has taken me 44 years to get to this point. I have been anticipating this event for years. YEARS! It’s not life changing, but it’s a major historical marker in my life. Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you a hint… It’s very personal, sometimes private, and a little secretive.

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Published on October 17, 2021

Never Enough Time

Never Enough Time

My daughter insisted I watch the series, “Sharp Objects”. I watched it with her. We didn’t move for hours. We sat on the couch, watching this very disturbing series. It took us two days to finish the series and at the end we were worn out from… too much watching. Was I entertained? Yes. Would I do this again? No! What I enjoyed most was all the time I got to spend with my daughter.  I would have preferred to be walking, dining, and seeing a live show instead, but being with her anytime is priceless.

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Published on October 13, 2019

Dear Diary, I’m Crushing Over…

Dear Diary, I’m Crushing Over…

At first, my diary was a place to put all my confusing adolescent thoughts. Where else was I able to say, “I’m a freak! I’m so in love with Lee Majors, Fonzie and Elvis all at the same time.” Or, “I don’t know why my left boob is bigger than my right boob.” Or, “My F+*#kin English teacher, she’s such a…”

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Published on February 19, 2018
Published on February 22, 2017
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Published on September 4, 2015