Although you didn’t belong to me
You were mine
Fell instantly in love
First sightings
First leaves
You roared in the wind
And bellowed in the snow
Housing our friends
Nestings of reds, yellows, and golds
I loved you, so
Your giant shadings were my embraces
Of tender kisses and hugs
I fell deep into dreams
And escapes of splender
You took us there
Lights would catch my eyes
From your twinkling smiles
Breezes filled your tentacles
With demur strengths and massive arms
Handsome, so bravely stretching
Heavy, so very heavy
A true protecting Male
A man of all seasons
I loved you, my King
One day I knew you would leave
Leave and leaves
Shade and shine
You were never mine
Your space is now gone
Unable to be replaced and filled
I knew our time had limits
Of a very, very long but shortened line
Goodbye my prize, my sky, My Guy.