The child takes a deep breath and then begins
To follow the silver pointer along the old page
And sing ancient scripture of life lessons and God’s words
Listen, for now is his time.
Years have past by all his Grandmen
Who arrived at this day to read and become
Greater men of our own, righteous and proud
Reading and learning about the better and true
But in the pew sits the Mother in tears
Overwhelmed with joy and pride of the son she carried
From this moment on he will become
Among the learned men before him in song
For her he is still the softest skinned child
Whom she held and rocked through days and nights
All the love and care she gave and gathered
All that she hopes for his dreams to be
Watching him through her blurred vision eyes
She sees the son so playfully young
This release of child to adult strikes a deep cord
A maternal soul understands this childhood loss
And so the great men chant the new member of this pack
Mazel Tov is spoken with taps on his back
A pulling smile is stretched upon her cold wet face
Happiness is glowing within this holy place
Deep down Mother reflects on the baby that was
The youthful hopes and dreams of warmth and sweets
Now is the time that her bird must fly
Now is his time to leave childhood ties
Now is his time…