This is a serious matter! It mostly affects women. Something needs to be done about this problem. Who ever invented the automatic flushing toilet, did not realize the needs of all women! If you know, you know!
The Suburban Newspaper
The following articles have been published in The Suburban Newspaper at
My Column is titled: Living in the Now
It’s FREE!
On the day that I can take $10 off my grocery bill, feels like a really big victory for me. There was a FREE in that freedom. But… did you know there are tons of things which are also free? Things that people seldom appreciate and observe. Usually when you can no longer have them, then you realize the free in so many wonderful things. Young people! Appreciate the real life frees all around you!
The Pond of Life
Here’s something to ponder about life. Whose reality is actually real? Is my reality your reality? Who sets the barometer for anyone’s reality? While standing in the pond of life, I thought about this for a very long time.
I Don’t Know When it Happened?
This is no regular Generation Gap… This is a gorge! This is the devil’s door! This is the mother of all grand canyons! This is the beginning of the divide. The divide between me and my youth, me and my children, me and the trending popular culture. Actually, news to the world… I’m NOT TRENDING!
A Divine Intervention
I’m standing next to a tall, beautiful nun in a gorgeous royal blue habit. She is selling 2025 calendars from her parish, L’Ordre du Magnificat de la Mère de Dieu. Each calendar is $10. The owners of the shop bought a calendar and gave an extra $5 donation for a candle. As she walked out the door, the wind lifted her habit in a cape like way, as though she was a superhero. I was transfixed and felt as though I was in the presence of God or a divine spirit.
Listen to Your Superiors
Here’s the thing about being a senior citizen. The word ‘senior’ sucks! Here’s another word that sucks — ‘grown-up’. I will toss one more into this yucky mix — ‘old-timer’. Whoever came up with these unflattering, disappointing and horrendous terms? Perhaps it would be more flattering to refer to a senior as a Superior, a Chief, a Leader, a Master or an Exquisite Elder. If seniors were given proper flattering identities, which truly reflect their superior value, they would be more respected and entrusted in our society.
The Ladybug Effect
I don’t know if you believe in spirits, but I seriously do. My grandmother, Sadye Cohen, was quite a grand dame. We didn’t call her Grandma, Safta, Nonna, Lola, Meemaw or Bubbie; she was Sadye, the same name her friends used. She was 4-feet-11-inches tall and was referred to as ‘two feet of thunder’.
Reach For The Light
As we approach the depths of autumn, the daylight hours are shrinking and melting. For some people this is a challenging time to say goodbye to summer, light and warmth. In blows the cool breezes frosting the landscapes. The painted hues of golds, burnt oranges and red crimson leaves, blaze and fall to the ground. It’s time to reach, really reach for the light.
Give an Egg, Sell an Egg
At dinner that night, my father asked us what we were going to do to give back to the world. He stated that today was filled with blessings. So, what was our plan to give back? I wasn’t sure. I told him I was going to think about it. A few days passed and I thought about a way to give back. It was called, “Give an egg. Sell an egg.” I heard of kids doing this so I thought I would give it a try. This is how it works…
Marry Your Loves
It was an unusually warm afternoon for September 14th. Puffy clouds rolled along covering and uncovering the sun. Will I write in my journal? Will I meditate? Will I simply gaze out onto the horizon and daydream? While drifting among the reeds and lily pods, I was able to write pages of thoughts in my journal. The canoe gently rocked me while I wrote. At some point, I realized that I needed to return to the dock as the rocking and relaxation was causing me to become sleepy. Yet alone, I married my loves.
It’s a Crazy Ride
The question, “How did I get here and where am I going?” is always a present thought. Is this random, chance, or prescribed? Is my tale already set in stone and I’m simply following along a controlled path? Does someone or something have the game controls of my life? I wonder?
Meeting people along life’s highway is also questionable. If I went to a different school, I would have not met Gloria, Beverly or Alissa. If I lived in a different place, I might not have met my life partner. Then our creations of people would not have occurred. Or would it? So many questions require solutions.
How much is already predetermined or prescribed or chance?
It’s My Choice
Lessons from the Canoe – “Because I can”
We waited for the perfect day. No wind, no rain, warm, but not too hot to dip our paddles into the waters of Lac Monroe in Tremblant Provincial Park. Along with Noonie, my mother, we go canoeing in this gorgeous provincial park each summer. It takes a little less than two hours for us to get there.
Super Talkers
Everyone has at least one of these wonderful friends. You know, the friend who doesn’t stop talking, no matter what the situation is. You love them dearly. However, each time you get together, you know what’s going to happen. The experience is similar to a horse race!
Just Wing It
There are many things I love about my mother. However, there’s this one thing that stands out more than others.
She likes to wing it all the time. What I mean is that she doesn’t like to make plans. Actually, she hates to make plans unless she absolutely needs to.
Those Little Thieves
“Did you hear what that kid wanted me to do? I should keep the tags on and dry clean her dresses, because she wants to return them. She’s a thief! That’s wrong and unethical and I should participate in her thievery? No way!” said the owner of the dry cleaners.
Right Now, Write Now
Do you ever feel a little anxious, worrying about things you can’t control? Sometimes, it might feel quite challenging and uncomfortable. Instead of wallowing in those feelings, reach for an activity to help move your mind away from the anxiousness. My go to relaxer is writing in a journal or going for a walk, or combining the two!
Don’t Listen to the Mustn’ts, Shouldn’ts and Cant’s
In 1984, I got an Apple IIC personal computer. See the picture. This was the beginning of me being a smarter kid! I had the tool I needed to write and be understood with fewer errors. I did all my assignments using my computer. The major turning point in my academic life was being able to use a SPELL CHECKER! My love affair with computers started right then. Now, I felt able to be what I truly wanted to become.
My Butterflies
Students chime in from all over the world and from many different time zones. Determination is the common denominator. It’s so interesting to meet different people, from different backgrounds with unique life experiences. We grow as people when we meet people who are different from ourselves. I just wished more people would embrace and appreciate this theory.
We Reached the Stars
Team Suzie’s Sweethearts walked 4 Kilometers in the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes. This year we were a super-sized team. Our members braved the potentially wet weather, showed up and walked with glee, raising a recording setting $50,253.00! VIVA LAS CURAS, BABY!